Kai @ Miraikan Science Quest

The eye as window to the mind

On the 9th August I had the opportunity to take part in a Miraikan Science Quest. It’s an open event at Miraikan, the Science Museum in Tokyo, to encourage a dialog between the public and researchers. This Science Quest was a premier, as it was the first ever held in English ;)


The Miraikan Science Quest about The Eye as a Window to the Mind.

Scientist Quest “The eye as window to the mind -What Smart Eyewear can tell us about our behavior”

The talk gives an overview about the emerging field of smart glasses and how they can be used to detect cognitive states (what is going on in your mind). I present first application scenarios about tracking reading activities towards attention management. In an increasingly interconnected world, and with a greater flow of information, more people are having problems with keeping attention and focus. We discuss also how smart glasses can help with attention and stress management.

miraikan miraikan

Overall, I’m very happy. We had over 140 guests in total for the two events and I could gather quite interesting feedback for my research direction, especially in terms of application areas and use cases.